What anti-burglary window solutions exist?

There are several anti-burglary solutions used in the windows we offer at Feneste. These are different types of fittings that provide security at different levels:

  • Fittings RC1 burglar-proof fittings - this is a basic security system that protects the window from burglary attempts using physical force, such as balancing. Windows with such a system are protected against accidental break-in attempts, such as by an unprepared burglar.

  • RC2 burglary fittings - offer a higher level of protection. This system protects windows against break-ins with simple tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers and wedges. This is a more advanced solution, providing effective protection in case of planned burglary attempts.

Both fittings systems can be integrated into different types of windows, and the choice depends on your individual needs and the level of security you want for your home. If you have questions about these solutions or need help choosing the right system, please feel free to contact our team.

Types of anti-burglary fittings